Thursday, 5 January 2012

Dh387,988 receipt from Dubai's Cavalli Club

This has been on the internet for about a week now; a receipt of DH387,988 spent on a birthday party which was held in Cavali Club in Dubai. This is around 99,500 Canadian Dollars.
I cannot believe people would spend that amount of money on one drunken night, whether or not they can afford it.
This is insane! and what was more disturbing is what the operating manager, David Lescarret, had commented:" Spend of this nature in not unusual at Cavali Club, It has seen high-spenders consistently frequent at the venue since its inception".

A few Days later, receipt #2 appears in Abu Dhabi at a club in Emirates Palace. DHS478057.

It is so hard to believe we all live on one planet when there are so many different worlds!

A Picture is worth a thousand words :)


  1. it's a mixture of being lucky, selfish and stupid!


  2. it makes me really sad and disappointed! What a shame
